17 October 2009

Finals and Travelling to Cairns

Trinity Beach 7 Oct
Comp day 2:
My final was a really consistent route and lots of fun to climb. It was consistently very hard and no one in Youth C or Youth B Girls topped. I came 3rd, Josiah came 1st topping all his climbs, and Mum and Dad got 5th and 2nd. In speeds I came 2nd and Josiah also got 2nd. In the afternoon I went shopping with the kids from Rotorua and one of the girl's Mum. We did lots of crazy stuff. The girls bought fluoro vests, but I didn't get one 'cause I didn't have any money. They bought me a fluoro green headband from Supre. We went for a swim at their backpacker, but it was freezing so we were only in for five-ten minutes. After the prize-giving most of the kiwis went back to their backpacker for pizza. I really enjoyed the comp.

Travel Day:
We got up at 7 and left at 9. I t was raining for quite a bit of the drive to Sydney. We stopped for lunch at a rest spot along the way. When we got to Sydney airport we had a several hour wait for our flight, so I went on the free wireless internet via Dad's laptop and did some work on my canal brochure. I also looked at some very overpriced souvenir shops. on the flight we watched "The Brothers Bloom" and ate disgusting food. It was very hot when we arrived in Cairns. We took a taxi to our motel.

The following photos taken by Michael Davis.
Displayed here with permission.

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